Sunday, March 29, 2009


Thanks to the suggestion of a dear friend, I decided to begin this as a record for my children, family and friends, to show all the fun and laughs we have throughout our days. So, why Teddybear and Sunflower? Well, these are the petnames for my two children, Jonah-my teddybear, and Halle-my sunflower or sunshine, depending on the day.

Since Jonah was just a little guy, he has always been independent and curious and sometimes hard to pin down...just always in his own world. In that world of dinosaurs, nature, adventure and Star Wars also exist a sensitive soul with an unbelievable amount of love. He has always had an uncanny sense of when to give hug or squeeze. When he was younger, he would snuggle and wrap his little chubby, little hands and arms around my neck and just love on me-especially at nap time. He felt so perfect, just like falling asleep with a teddybear. And so...the name stuck, and even though he is 10 years old now, I still get those same great hugs. Lucky me!

When I was pregnant with Halle, I thought I knew what she would look like. Jonah was a good eyes, Jason's smile...and so I thought she might be the same. Not so much. Halle is all Daddy from her white blonde hair, to her pale skin to her big blue eyes. She is an early riser like me and lots of mornings she comes pouncing in, always on my side of the bed, to say good morning. Like a sunflower, she is bright and happy and easy to please. On her first quarter report card, her teacher wrote the she loves Halle's "zeal for life". I couldn't have said it better myself!

So, that's my first entry and the story behind the Teddybear and the Sunflower. Not every post will be about them, although, I know that I could write about them everyday! To me, this was the best way to start, from a place of love and happiness.

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